Famous Acts & Celebrities

Famous Acts & Celebrities

Famous Acts, Bands, and Celebrities for Hire

Neil Drover is a leading talent buyer of  Star names & corporate entertainment for events and private functions.

Over the years, Neil Drover has hired some of the biggest Pop Stars, Bands and international celebrities in showbiz for a client list that reads like a who’s who of national and International companies.

We provide TV stars, Pop Stars, International singing stars, Opera singers, Hit recording groups -past and present, bands, X factor stars, Radio & TV presenters, entertainers and actors.

We have the experience and the know how to match a star name to the audience profile and what is  vitally important about that, especially when higher costs are involved, is the knowledge of who will work best with which audience. ‘Big’, doesn’t necessarily guarantee you ‘best’.

Whether the brief is for Comedy, personality or music, we have access to the biggest talents in the UK and further afield. What is important is that we’ve dealt with the biggest and the best for over twenty-five years.

When you have someone in mind, or if you have a need but nothing more defined, that’s when to call us. We can tell you from experience and market knowledge, who is likely to be available, what they will cost and, more importantly, what you are likely to get for your money.

On these pages, there is a small sample of the star names, groups, and entertainers that have been hired by Neil Drover for theatres, corporate events and private parties. If you are interested in a star name or TV personality not on this list, contact us for free, friendly advice.

Please note: We act as agents and work directly with artiste’s managements. We do not personally represent some of the Artists on this page

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G61 1HU 

0800 044 8112

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